Weather and Wires Photo Insurance
Exterior Photos
Faulty weatherization and window flashing is the number one way builders lose big in court when facing charges. Wouldn’t it be nice to have evidence that proves you built it all correctly? Our extended photo documentation is your protection.
Interior Photos
Plumbing and wiring are typically the trickiest problems that building management will face. Document your good work and help maintenance staff know what is behind the walls and allow them to trace wires and plumbing without expense by documenting everything at four-way.

Scope of Work
We can customize to your needs, but this is the typical scope of work.
- Photograph all sides of building with weather barrier and flashings installed. Plus close up on each window. (building labeled. photos taken clockwise around building.)
- 360° photos of interior. (rooms labeled) 2+ shots per room, hallway, closet, etc. (photos taken clockwise)
- Photos organized by building and unit, hosted on Google Photos, links provided. Includes one framed “reminder” document that includes example and links for maintenance staff room. (Google Photos is a free hosting service that won’t dissapear even if we were to die or go out of business... Other photo services use proprietary expensive hosting that will disappear if or when they go out of business.
- Other photos included: (assumes we are doing your energy & rebate work as well) Testing results, HVAC equipment, model and serial.
Call For Pricing
Package Price:
Receive a discount when combining photography with other energy compliance & rebate work.
Alone Price:
Hire us for a stand alone housing or commercial development photography project.
Custom Photos:
Ask for specialty aerial photos, thermal camera images, ultra-wide-angle, ‘traditional’ interior shots, or time-lapse.